Poor little Clayton man. I took him to the Dr today because the webbing of his toes and fingers turned into open sores by the end of yesterday and this morning he woke up with a rash all over his face, arms, hands, etc. Turns out our little man has impetigo, a yeast infection and good possibility of strep - so he's on antibiotics and a topical cream. All that to say he has still been in a relatively good mood and other than when I'd wash his hands or face after meals didn't act "sick". That is so true to his personality...just look at this picture!
And of course Brooke...we have waited and waited for her to ask her "wh" questions - this was an area she came back delayed in for speech. She's gotten better over the past several weeks, but the infamous "WHY?" started today. I'm wondering why we were wanting this to happen...although probably humerous to those not involved in the conversation.
Listen to this...
"Brooke, be careful walking into the house." (from the car)
"Because it's icy out"
"Because it snowed and it's cold out."
"Because we live in Wisconsin"
"Brooke, go inside."