Monday, June 20, 2011

Delafield's Cushing Park

While Brooke was at golf we discovered this awesome new park - Cushing Park - in Delafield. It's designed as this huge castle. I love it because there are no "drop-offs" for Lincoln and there is only one entrance/exit, so he can play safely through the park.

And of course the best way to truly qualify a park as GREAT....

TWO sleeping boys on the way home.

Father's Day

Cake and Bake, a local bakery, offered a great deal for the kids to make Father's Day cakes. It was $5 per cake and allowed my kitchen not to be covered in all the remnants that cake decorating can provide. They were delicious and very creative.

Then we spent part of the day at Grandma Denyse and Grandpa Mark's house with Grandma Nancy, Grandpa Ken, Aunt Alicia, Uncle Chris and Uncle Kenny. It was Chris' first Father's Day. We're still getting use to our new titles too.
Uncle MikeAunt Elizabeth

Lincoln had a blast playing with Grandma's screen door. Probably because so many people were laughing at him, he was encouraged to continue on.

We're so thankful to have such loving and dedicated father's in our life that we can celebrate.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Old World Wisconsin

Old World Wisconsin has been on the snowman list for two years now. Last year, they were hit by a tornado early in the season so we needed to wait until this year. I had never been there and wasn't really sure what to expect or how entertained the kids would be. I figured we'd arrive around 10 and stay until just past lunch. At 4 p.m. we headed home with things left unexplored. It was a great day - beautiful weather, great behavior, fun learning experiences and great friends, the Thombs, to explore with. The tram driver let the kids pick where they wanted to go first. Molly and Brooke both declared we should head to the old schoolhouse. Go figure that they'd pick that on the first few days of summer vacation. They sat in the desks and then had a spelling bee.

Lincoln didn't have much preference as to which building we visited - he LOVED peeking through all the fences and exclaiming HOT! at every woodburning stove.

At the old church they took turns playing on the pipe organ. Some other favorites of the day were doing laundry on an old washboard and playing games that children would have made for themselves. It was a great experience to walk back in time and learn how our ancestors' life would have looked.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Golf Lessons

Brooke's old enough this year for golf lessons. She was super excited about her pink clubs and the prospect of being able to go on the course with daddy. Clayton was equally excited about her new experience.

The boys and I have had a good time exploring new parks on Monday afternoons.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Introducing Parker August

Mike's brother, Chris and his wife, Alicia gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Tuesday morning - Parker August Stanley. He was 10 lbs 2 oz and 22 inches long. We got to meet him yesterday. Brooke and Clayton were so proud to hold him. He is a cutie. Some baby's are cute just because they are a baby and that's the right thing to say...not Parker - he qualifies as truly CUTE! Clayton wants to know when he is getting bunk beds so that Parker can spend the night.


One Proud PAPA.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Daddy Camping Trip - Take 3

Mike and the older two kids had a great time on the 3rd annual Daddy Camping Trip with our Sunday school class. I believe it was 15 daddy's and 25 kiddos for this round. The kids had such a great time! Brooke is already asking if Lincoln can go next year...

Watching turtles