Friday, March 30, 2012

SMILE! Got it.

First smile. 
There's just something about those first smiles.  Maybe it's that the first several weeks of a baby's life are just so much WORK.  They cry, sleep and overall need attention around the clock with very little response to all of the effort. 
These smiles make it all worth it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What do you mean you don't know those people?!

Evelyn has a picture frame in her room titled "Fab Four" that has held the generic store photo in it for weeks.  Lincoln asks the most often who those people are.  Grandma Nancy thinks she's very funny to make up stories about them and remind me that I still need to take a picture of all four kiddos.  Well...they are all in the picture and that's about the best we will get for now!  And a few other pictures of the boys with Evelyn. 
Boy oh boy do they LOVE her!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Outing #2 - SUCCESS

A sleepy Evelyn always helps!
Since we did so well at the park, I thought we'd be a bit more adventurous and head to the zoo with all four kids.  I of course took back up (i.e. the Seiler crew) since I'm still not very quick and recovering from the delivery surgery. Another success...slowly but surely we will figure out how to function as a family of 6! 
Thank you Miss Karen!
Allie & Lincoln

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Outing #1 - SUCCESS

And here's the proof of our first outing with all four kids!  As we drove to the park, I let them know that as soon as Baby Evelyn started to cry, we would have to call an end to our trip.  They did great and Evelyn slept like a champ through all of our fun!

Clayton claimed it was too sunny to keep his eyes open but still wanted a picture taken.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Aunt Laura

Aunt Laura flew in from Texas to visit her newest niece.

This is what we call "being a good sport"