Monday, November 19, 2007

First words...and more stories

Clayton has a few words - up, da-da, hi and uh-oh. You'd be amazed at the amount that he can get accomplished from us with just those few words! He's still only taking a few steps, but able to balance much longer in one place. Balls have become the best toy ever and are a constant source of entertainment. He's gotten pretty good at "throwing" them in our general direction to play - definitely a boy.

And Brooke's recent stories...
  • We were driving to Grandma Denyse's for a visit this morning and Clayton decided to pull of his socks. Brooke yells, "Clayton, no taking off socks - you making me nervous!"
  • When Mike and I are working with Clayton on standing and walking, we'll say "good job balancing Clayton." Brooke will stand next to us and say "I'm balancing good too!"
  • New rule - We've decided that Brooke is now old enough to be negotiated with what she will and will not eat. (She's a VERY picky eater and always has been.) Most of this was able to come about because Clayton is an awesome eater and doesn't care what you put in front of him - he'll eat it. So most of the time we only have to say, "Your brother ate it" and that's plenty of encouragement (or competition?) to eat it! Whatever works...
  • Brooke tends to require a bit of "prepping" before we change activities so that she can have time to finish up what she's doing and to know what to expect. So she and Mike were driving home the other night and Brooke takes her index finger and shakes it at Mike, "Daddy, when get home, first we will put on pajamas" She then holds two fingers up. "THEN, we will say our prayers and read our Bible." Three fingers go up. "Then, brush teeth, then night music on and go to bed." (she's always listening...)

Enjoy the fall picture!

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