Sunday, March 16, 2008

Just reporting what's new...

Clayton has begun repeating more words this week - each day he seems to have 1 or 2 more. He's found the power of "more" when eating as well as that the word "juice" in conjuction with pointing at the cabinet does in fact get him a drink. Besides that he'll say the following when asked to, "all done", some version of "thank you", "light", "shoes", "amen", and "Bible". And I love to watch him obey simple instructions. I am just amazed at how a child (and not just mine) can seemingly go from one day not understanding, to understanding the next. For example, "go get your shoes". Clayton can identify which shoes are his, he'll bring them to you, sit down and attempt to "help" you put them on. He can understand "take off your jacket" and his favorite that he'll come running to his chair in the kitchen for "it's time to eat." When looking at picture books he'll point to familiar objects...WOW. I just am continually amazed at how God has designed children to have such amazing little minds!

Brooke I'm sure had many stories this week...but I've found that they are so numerous that unless I write them down, I forget...because that's just who she is. We went swimming tonight at the Y. Brooke was very well behaved and incredibly patient with the number of lines we waited in while shopping today, so I told her she could have a special treat. Turns out the treat was being able to have a night of daddy and mommy all to herself at the Y. She is doing a great job jumping in on her own and after watching her daddy swim, she decided to put her whole face in and start kicking and paddling too. She's really gaining a lot of confidence in the water - I'm excited for what the summer will bring.

Brooke and I went to see Horton Hears a Who with our friends Tommy and Miss Karen on Friday night. (It was a cute movie for those wondering.) Anyhow, through many parts of the movie Brooke alternated between telling me "It's a scary part!" ( I don't think there actually were too many "scary" parts) and asking "Did Horton hear a Who?" She told me her favorite part was when Horton climbed the mountain - because that's silly, elephants can't climb a mountain.

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