Friday, August 12, 2011


Last night Lincoln requested to go to sleep in his big bed and not the crib. This was after I had removed him from pretending to sleep and snore in Brooke's bed. He snuggled with 30 of his favorite books and never got out of his bed. Previously when he's crawled into that bed, I shut the door and he's opening it after about 13 seconds, with a big "HI!"

It's a little bittersweet. I was wondering if he'd start to transition to his toddler bed so that we can move him to Clayton's bottom bunk before baby arrives. Clayton's already thrilled that when he turns FIVE he can sleep on the top bunk and is ready for baby Lincoln to take the space on the bottom. Baby will need the nursery and since we've managed this far without two cribs, Lincoln's back-up plan was a pack 'n play in Clayton's room.

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