Monday, August 29, 2011

Choo, choo! Lincoln's TWO.

Lincoln is TWO. Wow did that go fast! This little boy is just so much fun. He loves to laugh and play games. Somehow peek-a-boo is still the funniest game ever.

He wants to do everything that big brother and sister do...and usually does pretty well at it.

I love that he can identify each person's shoes and take them to them when it's time to go. He also enjoys walking around in any shoe that is not his own because they are much easier to get on and off.

He LOVES his daddy and Brooke. Every morning when I go to get him he asks "Dada go?" I tell him he's at work. "Brooke go?" She's usually in the other room waiting for this cue to come in and greet him.

He's usually a great listener and has been able to be stroller free much more often than I remember the other two.

I don't think he's ever thrown a tantrum about having to sit in a shopping cart.

He's very social and gets big smiles from saying "hi" and "bye" to everyone. If the car next to us in the parking lot is pulling out, he's waving and saying "bye."

The theme for his birthday required no thought - this little boy LOVES trains or "choochoos" as he calls them.

Brooke and Clayton were a little bummed to find out that Lincoln could blow the candles out all by himself this year. In fact, all left over cake we ate needed a round of candles in it.

We ran a few errands at the end of the day and in the backseat we could hear Brooke telling Clayton that he was going to need to be nice to Lincoln tomorrow because he would have a terrible day. Clayton asked why and Brooke responded ever so seriously, "Because Clayton, he's two and they are called TERRIBLE TWOS!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Okauchee Lake 2011

One of our favorite things to do over the summer is spend time on Okauchee Lake with Grandma Denyse and Grandpa Mark.I think this was the first year that Brooke wasn't sitting in grandpa's lap to drive.Brooke & Clayton loved driving to the middle of the lake and jumping off the pontoon this year.Lincoln preferred shore...the water wasn't quite as warm as his bath. He had no issues wearing the life jacket as he lounged.Catch and release of the babies still appeases...

I don't think they know there are any other options.

After MUCH convincing, Clayton decided to brave the tube again this year.
We saved left over bread in the freezer all winter for these ducks.
Daddy's new toy - Happy Birthday!

Brooke really wants to learn to paddle so she can have her own kayak.Clayton REALLY wanted to take the squirt gun and play.

Lincoln wasn't quite sure, but wasn't screaming either.A bit too chilly for his liking.

Friday, August 12, 2011

State Fair 2011 - TAKE 2

Apparently I was wrong about the "see you next year part" for the State Fair. Brooke and Clayton didn't feel that the whirlwind of a morning was quite sufficient and when they found out Grandma Nancy was taking Uncle Kenny...we tagged along.

More BIG slide.

More cream puffs.Brooke has been trying to talk Clayton into this for a couple years now. As we walked by he announced that he wanted to do that now. (Brooke went on the 1st visit.)Clayton also decided he is NOT a fan of roller coasters.


Last night Lincoln requested to go to sleep in his big bed and not the crib. This was after I had removed him from pretending to sleep and snore in Brooke's bed. He snuggled with 30 of his favorite books and never got out of his bed. Previously when he's crawled into that bed, I shut the door and he's opening it after about 13 seconds, with a big "HI!"

It's a little bittersweet. I was wondering if he'd start to transition to his toddler bed so that we can move him to Clayton's bottom bunk before baby arrives. Clayton's already thrilled that when he turns FIVE he can sleep on the top bunk and is ready for baby Lincoln to take the space on the bottom. Baby will need the nursery and since we've managed this far without two cribs, Lincoln's back-up plan was a pack 'n play in Clayton's room.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

State Fair 2011

Same plan as usual for the state fair. Start early, hit the highlights and check it off the list.

Animal barns.

Big slide.

Cream Puffs to go.

Discovery barn on the way out.

See you next year.