Saturday, April 20, 2013

Brooke's 2nd Piano Recital

Brooke still loves playing the piano and had her second piano recital.  It amazes me that she doesn't get nervous at all. She walks right up, sits down and started playing before I even had time to fully turn the video camera on. 
Thanks for continuing on this journey with us Ms. Tammy.

Friday, April 19, 2013

These are a few of her favorite things...

Evelyn is right in the thick of my very favorite age 14-18 months.  I love that she is discovering the world around her and really notice's like seeing the world through different eyes.  She is pretty even tempered and sassiness hasn't really stepped in yet...but she's on the move and into exploring all that can be explored.  She mimics everything (from prayer time to yucky faces made during diaper changes.) 
This is one age I truly wish I could bottle up.
Loves the people and putting things continually in and out of the house.

Those stairs!  The other kids are usually pretty good about closing gates
because she will dart for the stairs at every opportunity.

Weebles.  Her whole body fills with giddiness when
she sees the bin of weebles coming out.

Gymnastics classes have provided greater climbing innovations. 
And she LOVES hanging on the freezer door bar.

She's a professional cabinet "organizer"

Making a chair out of anything and everything.

And the latest...she loves laying in the middle of the floor until she is "noticed" and then
smiles with her whole face when you discover her.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring Break 2013

Spring Break this year was not a long awaited vacation...or lots of planned activities...or a big project...or anything else too exciting to report.  The way it fell on the calendar this year was one of Mike's busiest times at work and I wasn't really thinking taking four small kids on vacation by myself would be much fun for anyone.  We did manage to squeeze in some fun along the way though.
A visit to Betty Brinn...big thanks to Molly for helping me track 4 kids at the museum.

Clayton LOVED collecting money and showing everyone
how much he had found.

Love the expressions on Clayton and Molly's face as they drive the bread truck.

Brooke requested a science project.
We did have a couple playdates, a birthday party and Brooke had an overnight with grandma and grandpa.  Other than that it was a low key week...filled with cold rain and some sniffly noses.  We are looking forward to a warmer destination for Spring Break next year.