Friday, April 19, 2013

These are a few of her favorite things...

Evelyn is right in the thick of my very favorite age 14-18 months.  I love that she is discovering the world around her and really notice's like seeing the world through different eyes.  She is pretty even tempered and sassiness hasn't really stepped in yet...but she's on the move and into exploring all that can be explored.  She mimics everything (from prayer time to yucky faces made during diaper changes.) 
This is one age I truly wish I could bottle up.
Loves the people and putting things continually in and out of the house.

Those stairs!  The other kids are usually pretty good about closing gates
because she will dart for the stairs at every opportunity.

Weebles.  Her whole body fills with giddiness when
she sees the bin of weebles coming out.

Gymnastics classes have provided greater climbing innovations. 
And she LOVES hanging on the freezer door bar.

She's a professional cabinet "organizer"

Making a chair out of anything and everything.

And the latest...she loves laying in the middle of the floor until she is "noticed" and then
smiles with her whole face when you discover her.

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