Let's back up a few weeks or so... As you've heard, Little Pooh (stuffed animal) gets quite the attention around our house - I think he may be more high maintenance than either of my kids and he is quite the demanding little bear. We were shopping the other day and Brooke announces that Little Pooh told her we need to go to Kohl's next. I told her we weren't going to Kohl's that day - she responds, "But mommmmm...Little Pooh says we HAVE to." I nicely let her know that Little Pooh was not in the car, nor did he make the rules. Every morning we have new Little Pooh stories. He would scratch her, hit her, fall down, need a time out, refuse to take a nap, etc. Literally about 10 Little Pooh stories a day. If you ask her where she learned something new...her response...."Little Pooh taught me!" So I was just to the point that Little Pooh was going to need to be accidentally lost because he was driving me crazy...that almost brings us up to current day.
On Saturday during nap Brooke wasn't falling asleep. I went in to ask her to close her eyes and rest for a while. Her response..."I can't yet mom. It's Little Pooh's birthday and we're in the middle of his party. He's turning TWO!" (stated so emphatically that I must have been on another planet to have not realized that it was his birthday...how could I?!") Okay, Brooke - finish up the party and then go to sleep.
Sunday...Before nap she’s telling me that she has to feed Little Pooh and that he can’t have cheese because he has "allerJesus" which she corrected herself to say allergies. And that he doesn’t need a bracelet to tell people about his allergies like Tommy has…. I also heard about how Big Pooh has to take care of little Pooh while we go swimming, but he’ll cry while she’s gone so we should bring him along in the swim bag so that he’s doesn’t cry. Ummm…no was my response. I told her Big Pooh would take very good care of Little Pooh while we swam.
So Monday morning we went to Wal-mart to do our grocery shopping. I needed some more cupcake holders (just because we were out) and Brooke says, "OHHHH - those are for Little Pooh's birthday party?!" Sure, Brooke - they are for Little Pooh's birthday party. We then proceeded to buy cupcake mix and frosting. I couldn't remember what brand our friend Tommy could have (he has life-threatening milk and nut allergies) so I was reading all of the labels. I put the items in the cart and Brooke says, "MOM! I have to read the labels TOO because of Little Pooh's allergies." She then "read" the label and let me know Little Pooh could not have the sprinkles.
And here's the reason for the story...Brooke's "currency" for obedience/motivation has rarely been traditional (time out, spankings, etc.) just didn't work. On the other hand, things like not allowing her to buckle herself into her own car seat at 2 was a perfect punishment/threat. Recently Brooke has had some anxiety in going to preschool, the Y's kidcare, Sunday school, etc. and would cling to me and cry when I'd try to drop her off. She's almost always fine once I'm gone and has a great time. It's been going on for about 3 weeks now and not getting much better. SO! *Lightbulb* "Brooke, we can have a birthday party for Little Pooh at lunch on Tuesday with the Seiler's if you go to kidcare on Monday night and preschool on Tuesday morning with a happy face." Worked like a charm! So today, we celebrated Little Pooh's 2nd birthday (which happens to also be Brooke's 1/2 birthday) with cupcakes, candles and song. This evening at KidCare - in with a smile, no bribe required...hopefully we're over this hump! Thanks to a Little Bear that I wanted to "accidentally lose!"
And here's the proof....left to right: Brooke, Big Pooh and Little Pooh (a little hard to see), Tommy Seiler, and Samantha Seiler.