Saturday, April 19, 2008

Let the tantrums begin...

In the past few weeks, our darling, mellow Clayton has figured out the art of temper tantrums. When he doesn't get his way, he'll throw his head back, while crying, start stomping his feet and head for the nearest corner to express his displeasure. They are usually short lived and he's very easy to move on to something else. I find it cute!....for now. So I was reflecting back on Brooke at his age - (I've considered her to be more of our strong willed child.) What I found was that in actuality Brooke was just busy up until about 17 months (same age as Clayton is now) and the challenge was really just to keep up with her and then she started throwing fits when we tried to put her in shopping carts or anything that restricted her independence....and that lasted up until about 6 months ago! I'd still put her in the strong willed category, but we definitely have more good days than bad just took a year and a half to get there!

My purpose in this posting is that my mellow child may be turning a corner...we'll see! If there's any similarities around this corner as there was to Brooke - it may be an interesting ride.

Also, for those that have been warning Brooke for months now to be nice to Clayton because he'll be bigger than her soon...I hope she was listening. Here's a good perspective shot on their difference in size - he's gaining on her. And Clayton is all boy, with his balls, cars, and wrestling. She'll be laying on the floor trying to watch a show or do a puzzle and he'll come up and jump on her (usually her head.) To which she starts screaming and then he starts screaming because he thinks it's a game. Isn't chaos great!

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