Monday, July 28, 2008

Falling Behind on Updates

Clayton had his first haircut on July 8th. He did great sitting in the truck at Kid-do's.
Brooke has a had a few cute stories recently...
  • Grandma Denyse gave Brooke a ballerina dressed in purple a couple weeks ago. I asked Brooke what she had named her ballerina. She responded, "The" (We've been working on "th" sounds for speech.) So it stands and she is consistently referred to as "The."
  • Our pine tree in the backyard was taken down. We filled the hole with dirt and subsequently sprinkled grass seed to fill the space. Last week, we were coming home from preschool and construction workers were finishing up with a hole in the middle of our street. Brooke asked when they were going to put the "road seed" down.
And the big news for the past couple weeks has been all the excitement of building a new garage. Lots of big machinery, new faces, and questions. It's provided for some good entertainment as the kids (and oftentimes friends) will sit at the kitchen window to watch. Progress has been fast...we're waiting for the overhead door and electrical and we can call it done (hopefully by the end of the week.) I don't want to even guess how long it would have taken Mike to tackle this project with his schedule and 2 kids!

Down she comes (My thoughts for grabbing the video camera came a few seconds too late.)

Day 1 of Construction (There was nothing but a slab when I dropped Brooke off at Preschool and this was the result at 4 p.m.)

Day 2 of Construction

And Day 3...Roof and siding finished...WOW!

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