Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nostalgic Day

Just about everything I did today made me feel a little sad that time is passing so quickly with Brooke and Clayton. There are certainly plenty of days that I cannot wait until it's time for bed, but today wasn't one of those. I dropped Brooke off this morning for her last day of summer preschool - she starts with her new teachers next week. Which led me to thinking about how fast last school year went and that it really wasn't that long ago that I was dropping her off for her 1st day of preschool. She has learned so much and changed so much since then. Part of me is excited to see what the next year brings and part of me knows it too will fly by. While she was at school I decided to pack up the clothes that Clayton no longer fits in. It's been a while since I've done so and therefore his fall clothes from last year were still in his drawers. Each outfit had different memories (Christmas, Easter, picture day, etc.) and to think that he's gone from a size 12 mo to a 3T in such a short time. He's not my baby any more and at this time next year he'll be starting preschool too - WOW! After naps today we took a walk to the library for more books and on the way back saw some kids (not much older than Brooke) riding bikes and playing outside. My thoughts jumped to a time when walking to the library with mom won't be as fun as an afternoon with friends....(sniff...) I think it was a hard day too as I reflected that Mike and I lost our first baby 5 years ago this month...and there was a time that we weren't sure if God would bless us with even one, let alone two healthy children. It was a long road to get there, but worth every step. On that note, enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Amy said...

What a blessing our children are!! It's so important to treasure every stage, as life moves by at a lightning fast pace...