Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Done potty training

So we're done potty training - or I should say that I'm done trying to train! My initial thought was that perhaps this would go as smoothly as it did with Brooke (she pretty much trained herself just before 2.5 yrs) and maybe it would take a day or two, and if it didn't then I'd just wait until after baby arrived. In the beginning he was doing great and even had a few dry days. But, he couldn't get the whole bowel movement thing down (i.e. that it should be in the potty and not his underpants), yet he'd still come to tell me as soon as he went. It's been downhill the past week or so and accident after accident, mainly because he doesn't want to stop playing long enough to go and he stopped caring about rewards of jelly beans, M&M's and EVEN gummie bears! The last straw was yesterday when I came the family room after finishing the lunch dishes. He was walking around in soaking jeans and not seeming to care - as he was busy with his toys. I said "Clayton, you're all wet - we go pee-pee on the potty." His response - "And I poo-poo'ed too" UGH! I've put away the underpants and McQueen pull-ups and we're back to baby diapers until after new baby is settled in. Today he was completely unphased to potty in his diaper and wait until I offered to change him...AND I didn't have any extra laundry or poo pants to launder out today - perhaps this is a good thing for now!

1 comment:

Buntrock said...

Welcome to my world friend!