Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A favorite picture

Mike captured this photo the other day and I just love it! Two year old boys can obviously cause frustration on their way to figuring out independence, yet submissiveness and how to control their emotions and use words rather than tantrums - but with these smiles and his silliness the frustration just seems to melt away. I just can't help but laugh with him when he breaks into uncontrollable laughter over the sounds a near empty Hershey syrup bottle's contagious!
A quick, funny Clayton story - he was playing with two cars on a race track the other morning and all of a sudden he put one of his cars in timeout. I then hear..."no pushing car, you get time out" A few moments later he brings the car back out of time out and has it apologize to the car that it "pushed". So apparently at least some discipline items are processing in his head...even when his own reluctance to apologize to Brooke shines bright.

1 comment:

KSeiler said...

You can't help but smile with him on that photo. His hair is getting long or is that the photo? Very cute.