This Christmas Mike and I have tried to form some traditions that will help the kids truly understand that the season of Christmas is about giving, and not just receiving. I'm really proud of both Brooke and Clayton...
For the kids' preschool classes we bought presents for the classroom (toys, supplies, etc.). Clayton could not wait to get to school on Thursday in anticipation of presenting his gifts to his teachers. He was so excited that he proclaimed on the way to school "I love school! It's my favorite." (Definitely never heard those words before.) As soon as he entered the classroom he was trying to open the gifts to show the teachers what was inside. The teacher asked him to put them in the circle for group time and they would open them then...Clayton's response "I can't - they go under the Christmas tree!"
Today Brooke and Mike did bell ringing for the Salvation Army at a local grocery store. It was a great opportunity to explain to Brooke that there are people who don't have food, shelter, etc. like she does. A woman came from the Salvation Army to empty their bucket and also had an opportunity to share with Brooke what they would use the money for. Daddy said she did a great job of saying Merry Christmas and Thank You. She lasted for 2 of the 3 hrs with Mike - definitely a father/daughter tradition that we'll keep...(I wish I had gotten a picture!)