Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ahh, the wisdom a five year old has

Brooke is definitely my child...

Tuesday morning I went into my bathroom to find that Brooke was sorting her hair clips into different piles. She had the swim bag emptied, and my makeup bag emptied as she diligently worked on her task. As I entered she said, "mom, I really think this is something that needs to be done." I agreed that it was a good idea to organize her things. About 20 minutes later as I was finishing getting ready and she was almost done reassembling piles, she says, "Now mom - if we want this to stay nice and organized we will have to put things back as soon as we are done using them. Do you understand that? Because mom, I think we've talked about this before and you should know that its important." Her tone was kind, not sassy, so I didn't correct her for lecturing me on the things that I lecture her on. We've been working a lot on being a good steward of our things because God has blessed us with them and that's our job - I'm glad to know she's at least hearing me!

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