Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life as an at-home mom

So how does one spend their time as an at-home mom...

Here was a project I worked on the other day...

If you had told me 6 years ago that this was what I had signed up for, I would have laughed - heck, I am laughing! And by the way, after much thorough scientific evaluation (i.e. having Clayton play with the toy again) the Gorilla brand "super glue" is one of the few that works on plastic to plastic. Buzz Lightyear recently lost both of his arms and his helmet...a half bottle of Gorilla glue later and he's back to racing to infinity and beyond....although the laser and karate chop action aren't quite as functional as they once were. Boys...definitely different than girls.

1 comment:

Grandma Nancy said...

I think you should submit this photo and explanation to "gorilla glue". Everyone loves a good testimony!