Wednesday, October 24, 2007

She's always listening...

It's so funny to hear the things that come out of Brooke's mouth that I know she's heard us say. Here are some of my recent favorites:
  • We were in Target's checkout line and Brooke started coughing. I asked her if she was okay and her response was, "NO - I'm dying!" The woman behind us chuckled at how silly she sounded.
  • Grandma Denyse was untwisting some birthday toys from their wrappers. Brooke gets inches from her face and asks, "Big pain, grandma?"
  • I was talking with Aunt Laura on the phone and said something about, "well save it for a rainy day." Brooke runs over to the door and asks, "It's raining outside?"
  • Brooke is insistant on opening Clayton's door after his nap. She runs up to his crib and says "have a good nap? good nap Tatyon?!"
  • Mike was working on retrieving a washcloth that had gone down the drain. Brooke asked about 20 times "need help?" to which Mike responded no each time. She thought a moment and then asked, "Oh shoot daddy, oh shoot?"
  • They just tore down the McDonald's by us and are working on building the new one. Everytime we drive by she says, "Mommy - they doing good job building!"
  • When we're getting close to being done at a store she asks if it's time to "pay out" - I've corrected her 100 times that it's "check out", but it doesn't seem to matter.

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