Monday, October 29, 2007

Turning THREE...

Oh, how the time has flown. I can't believe that my 4 lb little preemie baby has grown into such an independent little lady! Brooke is so excited to be turning 3 - enjoy the clip...

Inside her little head (more "Brookeisms")...
  • Clayton was pulling of his socks and chewing on them. Mike says, "wow, Clayton, you're really going to town on your socks." Brooke replies, "Yeah - Clayton you go to town. Brooke stay home."
  • Every meal is "dinner"
  • Every night when we pray, Brooke usually starts with "Thank you Jesus for me." She's a good reminder of all there is to be thankful for..."playing with friends," "moon," "airplanes," "stickers," etc. We never quite know what will come out, but she's right - we're thankful for it all.
  • Yesterday she wanted to go to "her hotel". Mike said she didn't have a hotel, she has a house - she said yes, "IN Milwaukee...Brooke has hotel!"
  • We made a quick stop at a friend's duplex. Brooke was fascinated with the two doors on the front. I explained that 2 families lived there and they needed two doors - so it's called a duplex. She thought a moment..."Brooke has 2 doors. Live in duplex?"

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