Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No secrets here!

Mike and I are learning that not much gets by Brooke and she is very quick to point out surprises or mistakes to the parent that's "not supposed to know." Here's a few recent examples:
  • Yesterday, I told Brooke to be careful with her juice (in a sippy cup) on the carpet and to set it down upright so that it didn't drip. Her response, "I will. I don't want it to spill and make a big mess on your new carpet like daddy's rootbeer did last night. Clayton knocked it over and it was not my fault because I was in the bathroom when it spilled on your carpet."
  • Today in the mail I received some new Camelbak water jugs. I bought a purple one for Brooke and pink one for myself and a blue one for daddy - for Father's Day. We're at the dinner table and Brooke is showing off her new "toy." Mike asked me why he didn't get one - to which Brooke pipes in "you have to wait until SUNDAY daddy!" Hmmm..there went that surprise.
  • A couple weeks ago we were sitting around the dinner table on a Saturday night having our normal random conversation. Brooke all of a sudden says, "Daddy bought two donuts at the store this morning and ate one in the car before we got home." See...Mike and the kids occasionally head for donuts on Saturday morning and as they are leaving I usually remind all of them "one donut per person." Apparently Mike found a way around that - and Brooke was sure to let me know.

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