Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter pictures

Friday I went to have the kids' picture taken in their Easter outfits. Even though the picture place was running an hour behind the kids did well...all things considered. I had individual pictures taken of Lincoln (we'll call it his 6 month picture even though he's 7 months!) Definitely 3rd kid syndrome going on for him...
I love his little tuft of hair. No teeth yet. He's rolling all over the place and can maneuver himself pretty well in a circle but not crawling yet. He's also sitting pretty well but loves his feet so much that he nose dives every once in a while.

Our little entrepreneur

Today we didn't have much on the calendar other than to try and catch up around the house (laundry, cleaning, phone calls, etc.) Brooke asked if she could help by cleaning the kitchen table and floors with the Bona spray. How could I resist that kind of offer?! So as I was unloading/loading the dishwasher she announced that her new company was named Shine Your Table. Turns out that it's only a quarter of a mile from our house, which she let me know was very convenient. And then she announced that if I wanted more information her "dot com" was I was also informed that if my kids dent the table her workshop can come and fix it. They are available from 6 p.m. until midnight each day. Additionally, they will shine your cabinets, stove, fridge, actually, almost everything, but not paper, food or your towels. I LOVE her imagination. We just signed her up for theater camp at the end of the summer...I'm curious to see what adventures that will bring to our home!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Love THEM!

I've got so many recent pictures that I really like - oh, how I love my kiddos!!

About the best I could ask for - they're all looking at the camera - we'll call it SUCCESS!

Brooke was doing row, row your boat and Lincoln was laughing, until of course I got the camera out.

Lincoln loves to stick his tongue out recently - he also holds the record for soaking the most number of bibs during the day...there better be teeth behind all the drool!

Finally, he'll say cheese for the camera - when he feels like it of course!

Almost one week later - it's out!

After almost a week of anticipation Brooke's first tooth fell out today. She was just beaming! The picture was taken almost 6 hrs after the "event" and she was still beaming. All afternoon Brooke has been asking questions about the tooth fairy and my response to every one of them "I don't know Brooke, it's been a long time since I've had a tooth fairy come visit me - what do you think?" So I have predictions that it's a she, with wings, who lives on a cloud, and is waiting around our house until she falls asleep...and the faster she falls asleep, the faster the tooth fairy will come...she'll leave a dollar (good to know) and Brooke's unsure where this fairy comes up with all that money from but that she must have a HUGE tooth collection. So we'll see what morning light will bring!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wiggle, Wiggle

Brooke discovered today that her bottom left tooth is wiggly. She is just beyond excited - here's the footage. Right after her discovery she needed to call Seiler's and share the news. (It was hard to convince her that we should probably call daddy first!) About every 5 minutes, all evening we heard, "Look mom, do you think it's EVEN MORE wiggly now?!"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kickin' Balls and Stomp'n Bugs

Clayton started his soccer basics camp. In our family, generally the "basics" on any sport is a good way to start. He learned that you kick the ball with the inside of your foot when dribbling and scoring, you stop the ball with the bottom of your foot and "no hands." His favorite thing to do was stop the ball...he loved standing there with one foot on the ball and then trying it with his other foot. (His other favorite thing was to stomp any bugs that he found on the gym floor.) We'll work on the "no hands" thing at home this week - his preference was to carry the ball about a foot in front of the goal, set it down, kick it in, and make eye contact with mom and dad as he yelled "I DID IT!" I've been learning over the past few months that although Clayton plays rough and tumble boy a lot, he also has a very tender spirit. His self-confidence levels are easily crushed and he's fairly quick to say he can't do something out of fear that he will fail. Coach Shaye did a good job of encouraging him as he tried his hardest to dribble the ball forward.

He did such a great job that daddy agreed to take us all out to McDonald's for dinner afterwards where we got the special treat of eating inside (who knew the excitement that sitting in a booth eating chicken nuggets could bring a 3 year old boy!)

One funny story - as we were walking to the car, Clayton let Mike and I know that he did a great job. He said, "I did a good job at soccer practice. I did not poke and I did not push - is that great?!"

It was also interesting to watch Brooke have to sit back and let Clayton have the glory for'll be a good experience for her. Although at dinner she let me know that she's watching his clinic very carefully so that she'll be a great soccer player when she starts her games in April.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A new toy!

It's been a while since Stanley's have been able to post video to the blog...our old camcorder that I knew how to do that with broke (it's been a couple years now...) I didn't realize that I didn't know how to upload from the fancy new machine and when I sat down to figure it out, found out that it involved moving our charging system, which is hooked up behind the TV to the DVD burner...all that to say, big pain! So we were introduced to my new favorite toy - Flip video! It's a camcorder that's smaller than a 3x5 index card and has a USB that plugs directly into the computer and pretty much uploads itself...hee haw!

Lincoln turned 6 months old on Sunday and went for his checkup today. He got 4 shots, so not quite himself, but here's my first go round with the FLIP. It records in HD, but gets compressed on the blog. Perhaps if I went through youtube - ah well, let the experimenting begin.