Clayton started his soccer basics camp. In our family, generally the "basics" on any sport is a good way to start. He learned that you kick the ball with the inside of your foot when dribbling and scoring, you stop the ball with the bottom of your foot and "no hands." His favorite thing to do was stop the ball...he loved standing there with one foot on the ball and then trying it with his other foot. (His other favorite thing was to stomp any bugs that he found on the gym floor.) We'll work on the "no hands" thing at home this week - his preference was to carry the ball about a foot in front of the goal, set it down, kick it in, and make eye contact with mom and dad as he yelled "I DID IT!" I've been learning over the past few months that although Clayton plays rough and tumble boy a lot, he also has a very tender spirit. His self-confidence levels are easily crushed and he's fairly quick to say he can't do something out of fear that he will fail. Coach Shaye did a good job of encouraging him as he tried his hardest to dribble the ball forward.
He did such a great job that daddy agreed to take us all out to McDonald's for dinner afterwards where we got the special treat of eating inside (who knew the excitement that sitting in a booth eating chicken nuggets could bring a 3 year old boy!)
One funny story - as we were walking to the car, Clayton let Mike and I know that he did a great job. He said, "I did a good job at soccer practice. I did not poke and I did not push - is that great?!"
It was also interesting to watch Brooke have to sit back and let Clayton have the glory for'll be a good experience for her. Although at dinner she let me know that she's watching his clinic very carefully so that she'll be a great soccer player when she starts her games in April.