We've been plugging away at the list that Brooke and Clayton made back in January of things they wanted to do this year. The kids decided the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago was next. (By the way 31 items didn't seem like a lot when we made the list, but over 11 months it works out to 3 items a month.) On Friday Mike took the day off and Grandma Nancy agreed to take Lincoln for the day - Brooke, Clayton, Mike and I took the 8 a.m. train down to Chicago. The kids could not have been any more excited. We then walked the 2.5 miles from the train station to the aquarium...good thing we did remember the strollers this time! What a beautiful day for a walk through the city. It was a nice, leisurely day looking at fish and other animals that we wouldn't have been able to see otherwise. I did comment to Mike on the way home that the "people watching" was almost more fun than the animals. And...as another side note...the Atlanta aquarium is ten times better so my expectations were probably a little high going into the day.
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