Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Three down...will the drama subside?!

After over a couple weeks of wiggling, wiggling, wiggling, one of Brooke's top teeth came out! It has been a lot of drama over which foods she could eat, blood during her wiggling sessions and Mike at one point told her that the tooth fairy can't come for teeth that are lost after 8 p.m. so that she didn't use it as a stall tactic for bedtime. (Those daddy's, they are pretty smart when it comes to knowing the secrets of the did he know that Brooke wondered!) Then finally on Tuesday night it was SO loose that I couldn't send her to bed because I thought she'd swallow it during the night. FINALLY, it's out - and of course we couldn't put it under her pillow for the next couple days until daddy returned from his business trip so that he could see it before the tooth fairy took it away to never be seen again. DRAMA!

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