Thursday, February 10, 2011

One down...30 to GO

During the month of January we made our 2nd annual "Snowman List" - each morning the kids picked one thing that they wanted to do this year. It was fun to watch them come up with things together. When I reintroduced the concept, I let them know that they needed to agree on the items.

Brooke says, "Clayton, I think we should go to Disney World again this year."
Clayton responds, "Okay, Brooke."
B: Mom, we're going to Disney World - we both agree.
Mom: You might want to check with your dad on that before you write it down.
Brooke returned a few moments later, "Clayton, we're NOT going to Disney World. Let's think of something else."

During the blizzard last week we had plenty of family time to finish our 500 piece Wisconsin puzzle. CHECK - one down, 30 to go!

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