Clayton has a box of "treasures" that are his absolute favorite toy to play with right now. It is the box of things that most might label "junk." His treasures are the leftover and broken pieces of other toys, McDonald's toys, the free toy at the bottom of the cereal box, random pieces of string, etc. We had such a good time this morning with his box. Lincoln is sick - again - so we're spending the morning at home. Clayton created a game where I could "win" the prizes of his treasure box if I could guess which one he put into his bag (an old make-up bag). He could then win the prize back if he could tell me which letter the prize started with. I think my favorite part was the clues that he gave me to help me guess. "It has four legs and goes WOOF!" I was really struggling with one and he finally says, "Alright mom, it's a lizard, can you just guess the color? Here feel the bag and see if you can guess the color." I think it's funny that of all the games we have to chose from the treasure box wins most often.
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