Monday, March 28, 2011

19 months

Seriously, where does time go? I can't believe my "baby" is rounding the corner to being 2 years old! Lincoln is still such a joyous person. We constantly are asked if he's always so happy and for the most part....minus teething and 3 rounds of antibiotics to clear an ear infection...he is! These days he's into doing anything the older kids are. He's working on putting on his own coat and shoes, but LOVES walking around in big sister's shoes because they are so much easier to get on. This past week the accomplishment was opening and closing doors - I've gotten quick to remember to deadbolt the door to the garage. Overall any activity that can prove his independence is a winner and gets a huge grin - climbing up and down on the couch, sneaking through the baby gate that an older sibling left open to beeline the stairs, hat on, door open, close, open, close, open, close...

His "18 month" pictures are scheduled for tomorrow...illness prevailed and this was the 3rd attempt in scheduling!

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