Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The end of an era?

So I think Brooke may officially be done with naps! She had been going down about 2-3 times a week, but then on Monday after she took a nap, she didn't fall asleep that night until 10:30 p.m.!! So we've just finished Day 2 of "quiet time". We're both learning what the new rules need to be during that time. I think we've settled that she needs to play quietly by herself for 1 hr in the basement and then she and mommy can play together (I'm lucky she considers doing the laundry with me playing!) Today, she wanted to fold all of the laundry for me and she let me know that she didn't need any help because she was SO good at it. I didn't have the heart (nor do I think I probably should) to refold it around her...guess what I'll be doing after she goes to bed. It should be nice time with just the two of us while Clayton naps. I just love her stories and interpretation of life - the extra time to hear that will be great. Here's a few of her most recent:
  • "Mom look my dolly has "blind" hair." I said, "Do you mean blonde hair Brooke?" "Nooo...blind hair - you can't even really see it."
  • Brooke has had a hard time this week saying goodbye to me at preschool, the YMCA, etc. She needs just one more hug about 10 times! So I was talking with her teacher at preschool while Brooke was still in music time. Miss Cheryl said that she thinks Brooke can tend to get something in her mind and have a tendency not to deviate from that. Hmmm...did I mention Miss Cheryl had only had Brooke in class for 2 weeks before coming to that conclusion.
  • We leave for vacation Friday and all Brooke talked about today was that we needed to bury her in the sand so that only her face is showing. Not sure where she came up with that one.
  • I asked Brooke to try to go potty before we left to run errands. I went in the bathroom a few minutes later not sure what she was doing. She was standing in front of the sink with her clothes on, so I asked if she had gone potty. "I did mom." I looked in the potty and there was no toilet paper and I couldn't tell if she had gone - "Brooke, there's no toilet paper in there." To which she rips off a sheet, throws it in the potty and says, "There is!" UGHHH!

Clayton also makes me smile more and more (mainly as he tries to copy Brooke.)

  • I'll be driving down the road and he'll yell "STOP MAMA!" Most of the time it's because he needs a pretzel, but there are times that he really wants me to stop and starts in with tears (the hurt feeling kind, not the temper tantrum kind) because I'm not obeying his request.
  • He's become very particular about what food goes in which compartments on his tray. "Right here."
  • As we go through the checkout line he starts chanting "M an M. M an M." (Thanks daddy!)
  • We put Mango Mousse in Brooke's hair each morning. Clayton has also become insistent that he gets some too. Mango Mousse might have been his first 2 word phrase!

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