Monday, September 29, 2008

Politics - Brooke's version

I've started my post on our remaining adventures back from Atlanta, but I had a Brooke story today that made me laugh. When I picked up our held mail from the post office I was excited to find our McCain/Palin bumper stickers and get them on the car. We also had a lot of Fox News on while in the hotel room so Brooke has heard those names just a few times before. So today we were driving through Brookfield and there were several McCain lawn signs in a row. Brooke declares from the backseat, "Mom, we like McCain - we want him to win." She then went on to say, "Not, Amabama." I asked her to clarify, to which she responded, "We don't want Amabama, right mom." I think a state named Alabama and a candidate named Obama was just too much for her little brain to handle. Her next always..."Why?" Hmmm...4 yr old explanation on that one. I told her that McCain likes the rules that are in the Bible. She then asked if Amabama liked those rules. I told her that Obama didn't like those rules. To which she asks, "Which rules does he like then mom?" "Brooke, I don't think he really knows what rules he likes." (And the that's about as truthful as I could be!)

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