The way home from Atlanta was definitely less adventurous than the way there, but we still had a few good stories.
As we were waiting for the valet to pull our car around, the lady in front of us commented on how brave we were to rent a car in a city that didn't have any gas. Mike and I both had no clue what she was talking about - we had no problem filling up our tank. She went on to say that there were no gas stations with gas since Hurricane Ike went through 3 weeks ago and if a station did happen to get gas then it was hours in line to fill up. It wasn't until we got into the car that we realized we hadn't filled up the car since our trip back from Hilton Head (we still had 1/2 a tank.) we stopped at 12 stations on our way to the airport, the woman's comments were confirmed. So with no option but to return the car not filled, we paid $7.99/gallon. Oh, heaven help us for when that day comes - half a tank was $80! (Definitely didn't budget for that part of the trip.)
Our flight back was uneventful, other than Brooke picked Mike to sit by on the plane and she napped the whole way home...
We gathered all our luggage and started the trek back to the car on the moving walkway. Once again we were a sight for anyone passing by as we now had the carseats brilliantly strapped to the back of the double runner, 1/2 of the runner with Clayton and the other 1/2 piled high with luggage. Brooke was walking rolling her bag and Mike had the other two rolling bags. I was pushing the runner and pulling a bag behind me. We were doing great until the end of the moving walkway when the front tire of the runner turned and got stuck on the side, which then lodged the rest of the stroller sideways and our exit off the walkway was no longer! Brooke fell and started crying (they were behind me and also now trapped) as Mike somehow shoved the stroller through the exit. As we were tending to Brooke once we were off, we looked over to see Clayton contently sitting under the pile of luggage that had tipped off of it's allocated portion of the stroller and onto him. At least we ended with a good laugh at ourselves - and Mike once again promising to drive until both children are out of carseats!
Here's some of our favorite pictures:

Brooke's first taste of the ocean...YUCK!
Daddy and Brooke
"Are his pincers going to get you, daddy?!" was Brooke's question when Mike's lobster dinner was brought to the table
Brooke and Clayton on the "fish" slide at the aquarium
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