Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fun Car Rides

Our way home from church today was filled with interesting Brooke comments/stories.

She discovered that her legs are long enough to prop on the top of the seat in front of her. I look back to see two feet hanging over the top of the seat and ask what she's doing. I made mountains - aren't they cool! I told her to take her feet down. "But MOM, my mountains are too great to take down."

This morning I turned Mr. Rogers on for Brooke while I hopped in the shower. I came back to discover her watching Sesame Street - in Spanish. Hmmm...."Brooke, what are you watching." "Sesame Street, mom." "Brooke, they're speaking Spanish - you can't understand them - are you sure you don't want to turn it off." "No, mom." Whatever... AND, as we are on our way home from church Clayton was jabbering. I said, "Clayton, I don't know what you just said." To which Brooke pipes in, "MOM! It's because he's talking Spanish."

"So, Mom, what did you learn about in YOUR class today? Did you have fun with your friends?" Talk about role reversal.

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