Saturday, October 11, 2008

Zoo days

Today will be our third day in a row enjoying the Milwaukee Zoo. On Thursday, I had some meals to drop off at my friend Gretchen's as they adjust to being a family of four now. They live very close to the zoo and on a whim I decided Clayton and I would go while Brooke was in school. I then decided it might be fun for him not to be in a stroller and actually walk the zoo. We had a great time and in fact I think this may have been the first trip to the zoo that Clayton didn't see mostly metal bars and rocks (because of where his line of vision is when he is in the stroller.) He loved saying hello and goodbye to the animals and letting me know what sounds they all made. I was impressed at how well he held my hand and stayed by me during our visit.

Then Friday we were invited to the zoo by my friends Joy and Karen. Grandma Nancy came with us and we let both kids walk rather than ride that day too. The first picture is Clayton getting upset that Brooke climbed onto the foot massager with her and trying to swat her off. The second is Grandma Nancy and the kids after checking out the cows.

So today Brooke has zoo class with daddy and I thought it would be fun to have a picnic as a family beforehand. That's the plan anyhow. Who can believe this weather?! The cold will be here soon enough, so we're enjoying all we can of the outdoors.

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