Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blink and it's gone - he's 2 months old!

I can't believe that my baby is two months old today - WOW! He is such a good baby...which has been a huge blessing because the older two have definitely kept me on my toes. It is rare that Lincoln cries and usually if he does it's because I can't pick him up right away. As soon as he's held the crying stops. While we've been packing up the house and making many trips back and forth he'll either sleep or just sit in the swing and watch the action. I can't imagine what this move would have been like with a colicky or even average tempered baby. I'm curious to see how his Dr appt goes tomorrow - mostly I'm curious to know how much this kiddo weighs. He's the first of the three to have "thunder thighs" and is definitely a good eater.

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