Monday, October 19, 2009

UGH - add it to the list!

Apparently I thought our "to-do" list wasn't quite long enough - add fix cars (yes, plural) to the list. Mike had parked the cars in the driveway with his car right behind my dad's van and then I pulled in and up next to my dad's van. WELL - when I went to back out I forgot Mike's car was back there and when I went to straighten the wheel so that I didn't run over the landscaping rocks I backed into his car. Oops! Basically I scraped both cars together - minor dents, but still! Mike has already buffed out what he could and is debating on if they are worth fixing. His point is that between the Walmart parking lot and the kids - what's a few more dents!

I am hoping the neighbors weren't watching while this happened, but again, if we can't provide at least a bit of good entertainment for the neighbors, why be there!

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